Sunday, March 28, 2010

February 26 to March 26!

I'm sorry, it's been uncomfy for me to blog nor respond well in YM and text messages (as some of you noticed). But now's a better time, so here's the backlog:

After my last update about my dad's operation, things went well ...but for just a few days. He was transferred back to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) as his vital signs became unstable. His heart also had fluids (dunno the term) so they had to monitor his water input/output. After a few days, his vital signs went back to normal, then he got out of the CCU -for the 2nd time. That was the time I decided not to make any more updates --it was really hard for me thinking, "baka lang maudlot".

2 weeks after the operation: the doctor said his stitches inside don't seem ok. A lot of fluid's still inside his chest, which might be soaking-thus-ruining the stitches and accumulating dead tissues. Doctor said it would help if my dad will push himself more to stand up or just sit down to flush out all the fluid from his chest, even if it is extremely painful. Otherwise, he has to be re-opened (what???).

Around on the 3rd week: My dad has been following all directions, out of fear, however, that state didn't improve. What I dreaded most had to happen. He had to be re-opened for wound debridement. yes. ANOTHER SURGERY. What made me optimistic somehow was that it's a minor one compared to the bypass operation. But, it lasted for 4 hours. he had to go through almost the same recovery process. I couldn't explain well what I felt morning after this 2nd operation -I was there once again in CCU, seeing him groggy and intubated again. It felt like everything was set back to ZERO. Worse, the recovery seemed slower. He was intubated for a long time, he started breathing on his own only after 24 hours. I can't help asking "how come he did better after the bypass operation???".

But God's good, after another few days, he got of the CCU -for the 3rd time. Back in the regular room - supposedly he can start with the cardio rehab/physical therapy already, but then his lungs wasn't doing really well. The thoracic drainage system connected to his chest still had to remove fluids found in this lungs. (Lungs naman! But thank God no another operation for that!!!)

Around on the 4th week: Things started to get better. His coughs sounded better, no more fluid came out from his stitches. The only prob were the drainages connected to him, they made him uncomfortable, he didn't eat much, and his tummy ached most of the time (which scared me again!). But, I guess the real recovery was just starting. Eventually he gained appetite again (from 3 tablespoons to half rice. at least!), drainages were removed one by one, he started sitting and standing, then he started walking as well. just a few steps per day actually, and with assistance. but I knew things were getting better.

Then finally, our most awaited moment came. His doctors gave a go signal to recover AT HOME!!!


As I write now, FROM HOME, I realize it's been exactly a month since we entered St. Luke's. February 26 to March 26!!! I never really felt it was THAT long till I realized what that ONE MONTH gave: terrible homesickness (missing home and home stuff like simply seeing trees, watching the sunrise, eating on a real dining table with your parents, you know what I mean?).

It also, sadly, meant emptied bank accounts and maxed out credit cards --Hence, maybe a 180-degree turn for my lifestyle till God knows when. But you see, Everything's been a blessing in disguise, but I guess... that deserves a separate blog post. hehe.


A colleague once said, if I got overly tired with the same text/ym messages over the last month ("Kamusta na dad mo?", "ikaw kamusta ka naman?") ...I'd better blame blogging. Yeah, true somehow, but see blogging also gave me what I needed: donors of blood, money, morale, PRAYERS and simple comforting things from friends like lending me an MRT prepaid card, driving me to all around for errands, dropping by for short chats or dinners or treats for my dad, etc. They helped A LOT. To all these donors, thank you very very very very very much!!!
My family's journey is not stopping here. Papa still hasn't recovered 100%, and so are our routines ...and pockets. But at least now I'm a lot more positive to instantly answer you questions: "I'm ok!!!", "Papa's now home!!!".

So... please continue praying for us, as you all did in the last 28 days.  They will surely help us keep the strength. Thanks in advance, and may God bless you all!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Yes! indeed God is good...even though it seems not when there's suffering. Will continue to pray for your dad and the whole family..
...hugz for you Leda =)