Monday, March 07, 2011

food rants

Bon Chon: Finally I was able to try Bon Chon Chicken - It's yummy as it looks, but not really sulit. Their chicken wings are not so meaty, I guess I'd still go for Papa J's or Chickenjoy next time. It's just good that I no longer have to wonder next time how Bon Chon tastes like, and why people are so into it lately. hehe.

Starbucks - free upsize: Because of the referral fee I got from my new officemate, I owed him a drink from Starbs. Today is our lucky day because they're giving a free upsize to ANY drink (yey!). The sad part's they have that promo because of their recent price increase :|

(Hurry, free upsize ends TODAY!!!)

Still on caffeine: Since my last Baguio trip, I've been having 2 cups of coffee per day, giving me leg cramps in the morning lately. Yeah I really think it's the coffee, I read from somewhere that caffeine causes our bones to excrete calcium, flushing out the calcium that our body needs, which is a major cause of cramps. I had this same problem way back in college (having cramps, not really over-caffeine) so I had to take calcium tabs. So, since friday I've been taking this same calcium tablets again, and been cutting the coffee intake as well. enough of being a coffeeholic, I guess ...and so far, so good! :)

What to cook next? I brought home an excess 1L bottle of Red Horse beer from that same Baguio trip, so Lou and I have been planning to drink it up on a "home date" sometime this week. While the idea doesn't really sound romantic, it somehow excites me, having an excuse again to cook something new. I'm thinking of onion rings or fried mozarella. hmmmm.

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