Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Honey, I'm home!

Just out of the blue, I looked around my apartment and went on a short sentimental journey. I remembered my first few weeks, when there were still echoes everywhere. I had only the basics (or less) - table, 2 chairs, bed, dresser, shoe rack and closet.

Then I accessorized my bathroom. Then the refrigerator came. Then I put tatami on my bedroom floor. Then I scavenged items from our [muntinlupa] home - hampers, subwoofer + speakers, thick blankets, etc. Then I purchased kitchen stuffs over the months - hooks, utensils, holders, pots, plastic containers etc. Then just last December I decided to but a corner shelf for the cluttered kitchen items. Then I acquired stuffs as well, from gifts - coffee maker, pillows, bed sheets, bags, etc. Then I put the yuppy basics - wall clock, alarm clock, pens in a mug, post its and corkboard, now filled with receipts, charge slips, pictures, quiz night categories, and other important memos. Apart from these, I have the christmas leftovers - gifts I haven't used since then, and my undelivered gifts to friends.

I also realized how this apartment made me more domesticated. When I left [muntinlupa] home, I knew how to cook, to wash dishes, and to sweep the floor at most. Now I can give a bathroom a general cleaning - scrub floors and toilet, declog drains, etc. without being so squeamish. I can clean the unit the entire night, still having some more time to watch series (cleaning used to be the most energy draining task every monday). I can hand-wash my delicates + undies (sorry TMI) in one session. I can cook MORE pinoy dishes. I can cook breakfast, then cook my packed lunch in one morning. I can cook for two, when Lou's coming for dinner. I learned the practical routines - buy in bulk, use shopwise bags for more points, buy water in the refilling station not in the grocery, drop the laundry on a friday for a new batch of clean clothes on Monday, etc. I think I can do almost anything that my mom and sisters learned only when they got married. haha!

Then I realized that apart from acquiring material things and learning new routines, I've also associated emotions with this place, making this place more like home. When I'm tired, I want to go home. When I get a new episode of my fave series, I'm excited to go home. I always want to try a new dish at home. I want to buy things for my home. When I'm sad, I weep at home. When I accomplish something great, I take a day off from work and sleep all day at home. home home home — all referring to this little apartment which - a year ago - used to be just a pen for me to know how being independent feels like.

A year has passed, the echoes are gone. While time heals wounds, it also gives you something to call home, I guess. :)


mazel said...

nice! hope I could also visit your home when I get back there :)

Anonymous said...

I agree! I'm feeling the same thing with my condo. Ang sarap bumili ng gamit and make it more homey.. magastos pero ok lang kasi alam ko, I will live here for a long time. I also want to learn a lot of things and mature. Mahirap lang talaga sa simula kasi ako lahat nag-aasikaso pero maaayos din naman alam ko, it just needs time for all to be ok especially the net connection. God bless to all of us! :)

bev said...

there's no place like home :)