Yeah, I have a new boyfriend, his name is Ricardo (Not soft R okay. Pronounce it as Ricarrrrdo. Espanyol!).
Since Tuesday I've always looked forward to going home, so finally, after a long day at work, Ricardo and I could meet up and bond. Right now we still have frequent misunderstandings, but I'm hoping that in a few days or weeks we'll get along really well.
I met him in Festival Mall just last Monday, in RJ guitars - Just nylon string, worth P1100, not bad! I don't want to spend so much for something I might not like later on right? Oh, yeah, I'm talking about my new guitar!
It's color green by the way, one day I'll post a picture of him! :)
nasaan na yung picture?
haha sorry naman, beesee beesee pa, but i'll post soon! :)
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