It was my first time to see The Bloom Brothers, they all looked very young, so I was a bit surprised that their into oldies music - Beach Boys, Beatles, etc. They play rock n roll music from 40s to 60s. I find it really cool! Not that I'm into this type of music, it's the music of MY PARENTS actually, but it's rare nowadays, right?! And I never thought that oldies music can still be as lively for my generation. Their music actually made me dance!

The Bloom Brothers
Then The Akafellas... I LOVE THEM! I was so amazed by their style, pure a capella, which they could do to any genre. ANY genre. Seriously, They can mimic lots of musical instruments with JUST voices. They really are talented! I've seen one performance before, but it's only now that I was mesmerized - performing live makes them more awesome!

The Akafellas
No post is enough to describe their talents, so I uploaded a video from that night: The Akafellas - Michael Jackson Tribute (Medley). watch watch watch!
Hrmmm. That night I thought I'd dwell so much on how cute JC is (keyboards guy of The Bloom Brothers. Finally found the name. thanks google! hahaha!) But actually, since yesterday, I've been playing my Akafellas videos over and over. Looks like I'm having more of Akafellas hangover! haha!
I actually took a video of ALL their numbers, including their performances with The Bloom Brothers. Thank God my cam's bat and memory survived the concert!!! I just have no time yet to upload them... huhu. I'll let you know when I'm done!
kelan next? sama ako!!
iba pa yung bloomfields sa bloom brothers?or they just changed their name?
@sally: changed name :)
"They’re brothers, so the name came naturally to them. That’s what was behind the decision of brothers Jay Jay and Pepe Lozano—formerly of The Bloomfields—when they were choosing a name for their new band."
got it here. hehe.
yup. ang galing nila no! :)
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