Thursday, April 15, 2010

SUIT UP! (but no, it's not a high school dance)

A high school friend and I planned to meet up at my place this saturday to prep up (to bond, to have fun!) for our friend's wedding. Funny how we both thought of it as a high school thing — when you meet up with your "girlfriends" before a "huge" event, just so you could all dress up together, giggle, kill time by trying all makeup colors, and all those girly stuff. you know what I mean??? But just at the peak of our excitement, we realized, "Oh, wait a minute, this isn't a prom. it's a wedding. A WEDDING."

Gee. another omg-im-getting-old moment! Not that I think I'm too old already but, I just miss being young. hehehe.

Congratulations Rain and Mae!

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