Thursday, June 25, 2009


my laptop's been infected by an incurable virus (BV:Malware-gen -it shuts down your pc when you access the command line). Avast CAN detect and delete it BUT for some reason can't prevent it from coming back ...till finally someone taught me to remove it by editing some stuff in my regedit while on safe mode. he found it in some forum --which I didn't find even though I made my own research the whole morning. and it worked! I'm so glad my laptop's clean again!

I feel a bit bad though coz yesterday prior to a client meeting, I consumed almost all my smartbro credits (using my work laptop) thinking they would expire anyway by the time I reformat my personal laptop, which is this weekend supposedly. geeez, I'm really stupid with this stuff ...or more of panicky that I tend to just think of the last solution, which is reformatting. I'm lucky to have geeky friends around Ü

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